Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have been working on "HINT" for the past week. It is a murder mystery musical that is loosely based on the board game clue. Here is a summary for everyone:
The show opens with William Williams talking to the audience about his death. He goes on to explain how he was having friends over for a diner party and right before it was going to start he was killed. The characters go through out the mansion in fear while many other people get killed off. After many hilarious scenes and songs the show comes to an exciting climax when everyone finds out who the killer is. The show keeps audience members on the edge of their seat while making them laugh the whole time.
I have had the script completed for a while ,but haven't had time to finish all of the songs. That's what I have been working on for the past week. I am really excited because I have had several different people tell me they would be willing to work on a staged reading when I complete it.
I will keep everyone updated with everything as I figure it out.

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